Canadian Parents for French recognizes the important financial and in kind contributions of our sponsors, advertisers and event exhibitors each year. At our events or within our publications, for profit businesses or organizations help us reduce our costs while increasing our impact to benefit youth learning and using French. How can your organization or business support CPF? 

Opportunities to Support Canadian Parents for French 

Sponsor a CPF Signature Event such as the FSL Awareness Breakfast, Concours d’art oratoire, or the new Bilingual Career Fair 

Advertising in the CPF Magazine, on the website, or in one of our member publications. 


Hosting an exhibit booth at our next member conference or offering CPF members a discounted price on one of your FSL products. 

Offering an in kind service such as printing, design work, translation or writing services that help us move forward in a cost effective way on our projects and publications. 

If you have an idea of how your business can support us, please contact Michael Tryon at to discuss the opportunity. 

Thank you to these sponsors, advertisers and exhibitors who have supported CPF in 2020 – 2021 



In October 2020, during the CPF Network Virtual Conference, Le Centre de la Francophonie des Amériques sponsored a Concert of three Francophone artists from across Canada. They took care of the logistics and promoted the concert. CPF featured them as sponsors on the Conference website, assigned them a workshop slot as part of the Conference’s program and supported the promotion of the concert on social media.


  • University of Ottawa
  • Edu-Inter French School
  • Watermelon Works
  • Council or Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC)
  • Les écoles catholiques de l’Ontario c/o CSDC des Aurores boréales
  • University Saint Boniface
  • Explore Program
  • Camp Tournesol
  • College Saint-Charles-Garnier
  • Camp Clarac
  • TFO Groupe Media 
  • L’Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC)

Advertise With Us

Interested in advertising with CPF?  Download our advertising rate card. 

Event Exhibitors

L’Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC) established a partnership with CPF to promote their Bursaries for Postsecondary Studies in French as a Second Language. ACUFC has been featured as an exhibitor in several CPF virtual events like the Bilingual Career Fair and Concours d’art oratoire – Video Edition

Some of these organizations are also featured as our Partners with their support of specific events such as the Concours d’art oratoire – CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.