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To request an interview or obtain additional information, contact Michael Tryon, our Executive Director at
In the meantime, we’ve put together key information that summarizes our work and vision:

CPF Facts
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is a nationwide, research-informed, volunteer organization that furthers bilingualism by promoting and creating opportunities to learn and to use French for all those who call Canada home.
- CPF was founded in 1977 by a dedicated group of parents who wanted French as a second language (FSL) learning opportunities for their children;
- Keith Spicer, Canada’s first Commissioner of Official Languages, helped found the organization;
- CPF is Canada’s largest non-francophone organization promoting FSL;
- CPF has a National office, 11 provincial branches and offices, 145 local chapters, 2,000 volunteers and 25,000 members;
- CPF believes the ability to communicate in both official languages fosters creative, empathetic and open-minded citizens;
- CPF believes that knowing both official languages opens the door to far-reaching opportunities and enhances Canada’s social and economic prosperity;
- CPF informs and influences all levels of government and education stakeholders; and
- CPF provides youth and parents across the country with a variety of targeted activities.
The French Second Language (FSL) Landscape Today
Our two official languages are an essential tool for the inclusion and integration of all Canadians into our diverse society. FSL education in Canada is supported through Official Language in Education Agreements between the Federal and Provincial/Territorial Governments.
- 84 % of Canadians are in favour of bilingualism (2016 OCOL Survey);
- 2015-16 marked the 50th anniversary of French Immersion;
- French Immersion enrolment has grown from 30 students in St-Lambert, QC to over 443,390 annually across Canada (2018-2019);
- Over 1.3 million students were enrolled in a FSL program in Canada in the 2018-19 school year;
- FSL education is so popular that today more non-Francophones in Canada speak French than there are native Francophones;
- Millions of Canadians now speak French as a result of the federal and provincial governments’ commitment to official languages;
- Canadians have embraced our two official languages whether their mother tongue is French, English or one of hundreds of other languages;
- 2019 marked the 50th Anniversary of the Official Languages Act. All federal political parties have agreed to modernize the existing Act to better reflect today’s diverse Canadian society; and
- CPF supports the modernization of the Act. Setting out an overarching vision within a modernized Official Languages Act will ensure all Canadians have the opportunity to learn their second official language. It also affirms the benefits of a bilingual and multilingual Canada.
Our Expectations
We expect our elected officials to champion and promote official language bilingualism and linguistic duality. We believe this reinforces our Canadian identity and that second official language education benefits all Canadians.
- Every Canadian who wishes to learn the other official language should be able to do so;
- Bilingualism and bilingual Canadians provide us with a major economic advantage, making a difference for the Canadian economy in global markets;
- Linguistic duality and our two official languages are an integral part of the Canadian identity and a fundamental value of our country; and
- Modernizing the Official Languages Act is a timely opportunity to making it more inclusive, thereby better meeting the needs of today’s diverse Canadian society and responding to the increased demand for FSL learning programs across the country.
- Nicole Thibault, National Executive Director. Nicole has over 20 years combined leadership experience as an executive director, vice principal, educational consultant and teacher whose personal and professional passion is centered on promoting a bilingual Canada. Nicole is the right person to talk about FSL issues, the organization and other hot topics.
- Derrek Bentley, National President. From a very young age Derrek has been passionate about French language promotion and education in Canada. He is an active supporter of la Francophonie and thinks it should be more inclusive, believing that youth will bring about this change. Derrek represents CPF and can talk about our members’ needs and expectations. He can also talk about youth issues and linguistic security.
- Dr. Wendy Carr, National Board Director. Longtime French teacher and teacher educator in British Columbia, she is Professor of Teaching in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. She has authored numerous FSL classroom resources, teacher professional learning manuals, curriculum documents and scholarly articles. Wendy can talk about FSL challenges from a research and academic perspective. She is also the go to person to talk about CPF’s research work.
- Ontario – Betty Gormley, CPF ON Executive Director.
- Alberta – Michael Tryon, CPF AB Executive Director.
- British Columbia – Glyn Lewis, CPF BC & YK Executive Director.
How It All Started
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