CPF Membership

For over 40 years, Canadian Parents for French has been a membership organization with tens of thousands of dedicated individuals joining together to advocate for increased access to French language learning opportunities.

Are you an educator, caregiver, advocate or French language supporter?

Do you want to engage with like-minded individuals in your community, access free resources or contribute to advocacy issues?  

We’d like to invite you to become a member of our CPF community.

It’s completely free, so join CPF today!


Canadian Parents for French (CPF), has always been a membership-based organization, leveraging the power of people who value French language learning opportunities and the benefits of learning another language.  

Historically, membership has required an annual fee, but now more than ever, it’s time for a change to ensure more parents, caregivers and families join our movement without any financial barriers. 

For this reason, CPF will be shifting to free memberships for the 2024-2025 school year, and beyond, making our organization more accessible to everyone who would like to join or get involved.

In the past, members were required to renew their membership annually at a cost of $25. Going forward, as we prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, membership will be free. Instead, members who have the means and desire to do so, will be encouraged to make a donation to support the work of our organization. 

  • Accessibility: It should be easy to join and support CPF’s mission. 
  • Build awareness and increase efficiency: we aim to take advantage of digital efficiencies to get our messages and services in the inboxes and hands of more members and more participants.
  • Allowing the community to help fund a movement: a donation-based approach enables CPF supporters to directly fund more opportunities for French for all.

On a practical level, this also allows members to receive a tax receipt for their valuable contribution to expanding French language learning. 

Members will now join online for free and existing members will be converted to a free membership. Online enrollment is easy, and eliminating the fee allows many more people to become supporters of CPF’s continued mission of learning and using French in a fun, dynamic way, supporting youth, parents and educators.

Over the course of the next few weeks and months, free membership will be rolled out, as well as details on how to become a member and a donor. The shift towards a donor model allows CPF to modernize our approach to membership and focus on getting more people involved.


While this change may take some time to get used to, we are confident that it’s the right transition to make at the right time. We thank you for your continued involvement with CPF and we look forward to communicating further details of what’s to come.


More questions? Please visit our FAQ page. 

Are you ready to Join?

Individual Memberships

Calling all caregivers, parents, educators and advocates; if you want access to low-cost community events and French language learning resources then join our community of like-minded individuals for free today! 

Associate Partner Organization (APO)

Becoming an Associate Partner Organization – for only $60 per year – gives you access to the latest research-based information and exclusive CPF programming! Schools and organizations can join our cause today.

We need YOU!

As a non-profit organization, we can’t do what we do without your support.


Become a Member - It's FREE

Join our community and get French second language (FSL) resources and support. Membership matters.


Learn more about volunteering with CPF and make a difference in your community today!


When you give, you make a positive impact on the lives of Canadian youth.