CPF FSL Virtual Advocacy Event 2022: Starting Early for a Brighter Bilingual Future


Greetings from the Honourable. Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Member of Parliament for Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe, New Brunswick (recorded video)

The Minister shares the importance of modernizing the Official Languages Act and recognizes the work of Canadian Parents for French. We would like to acknowledge the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Welcome and Toast to French Second Language Education, Derrek Bentley, CPF National President (recorded video)

Derrek reviews the year that was in FSL education, and considers how individuals with innovative spirits can come together to support French across Canada – when we need it the most! 


An overview  presentation of the CPF Advocacy – Oriented Research Brief 2022.  by Dr. Wendy Carr, CPF National Board of Directors

Early childhood is not only a critical stage in a child’s cognitive, emotional and social development; it is also a significant time for language acquisition.  It is a point where CPF can expand its advocacy focus from K to 12+ to birth to Grade 12+.  

CPF Advocacy Focused Research Brief, Learning French in the Early For a Bright Bilingual Future

In this brief you will learn about the value of introducing languages to children during their formative years before school starts. This is a key moment and opportunity for CPF to ensure that there is equitable access for all Canadian children to early language learning as part of the Government of Canada’s promised national early learning and childcare system.


Canadian Parents for French is proudly celebrating National Volunteer Week between April 24th and April 30th, with this year’s theme “Volunteering is Empathy in Action”. We celebrate the empathy, compassion, and generosity of our volunteers who create connected communities and build a stronger, more bilingual Canada.  

View our video celebrating our volunteers below. 


My Raison D’être: CPF Network Digital Media and Public Advertising Campaign

CPF interviewed FSL Teachers at different stages of their careers to share their personal stories about how teaching French has fulfilled both their personal and professional Raison D’être.

Visit the website www.teachinfrench.ca (by clicking picture below) 

Read this overview article (in English) featuring both the CPF National and Branch campaigns that has been published in several educational publications. 


More French, S.V.P!

Meet the 2021 Recipient of the Idéllo National FSL Teacher Award sponsored by CPF National

CPF congratulates madame Chantal Ross, Core French teacher, Orillia Ontario. Félicitations Chantal!

Promoting French Youth Opportunities During Canada’s National Giving Day

Support CPF Natonal’s Mary Joyce Booth Fund. Please donate to increase local and regional French opportunites. All funds raised go directly to CPF Branches  coordinating these learning events in their jurisdictions. 


Meet the 15 Concours d’art oratoire Winners 2021 who received cash prizes and scholarship opportunities from our  post-secondary institutional partners   

For the second year, CPF National has entered into a visibility agreement with ACUFC to promote their FSL Bursary Program

Together, our collaborative efforts allow us to strengthen our French Second Language programs in our schools, increasing equitable access to all Canadian youth wishing this opportunity in all parts of the country. We hope to see you at future Canadian Parents for French events: Our Annual General Meeting and Leader Networking Event, August 18 to August 21st, 2022 in Edmonton, Alberta and, the CPF Network Virtual Conference, October 14th to 16th, 2022. 

Thank you again for your support as a FSL champion, and please contact us with any questions. Best regards! Au plaisir!