Annual General Meetings

All members are welcome and encouraged to attend CPF Alberta’s Annual General Meetings. 

More Information

2023/24 - Board of Directors

President: Emma Piayda (Medicine Hat)

Vice President: Sarah Clark (Okotoks)

Sarah Clark is a mother of three children who attend French Immersion.  She, herself, was a French Immersion graduate and continues on her language learning journey today.   Sarah has a Master’s degree in second language learning and is passionate about literacy development and language development.  Her experience in education and educational leadership has varied from kindergarten to post-secondary.  She values her role representing Canadian Parents for French in Alberta.

Secretary: Erin Quiring (Airdrie)

I have lived in Airdrie, Alberta for the past 10 years, I have 2 teenage boys both in FI, Gavin is 14 and in grade 9 and Logan is 13 and in grade 7. I am a grade 4 teacher with RVS teaching in Airdrie, where I have the pleasure of teaching FSL to my learners. I love to travel, ski in the winter, camp and do water sports in the summer. My new favorite is Stand Up Paddle Boarding with my dog Loki.

Treasurer: Patti Bonhomme (Spruce Grove)

My name is Patti Bonhomme and I live in Spruce Grove. I am an Educational Assistant with Parkland School Division.  I am married and have two children that attend French Immersion School in Parkland.

I sat as the President of Parkland Chapter for 4 years and decided to put my name forward to sit on the Alberta Board. 

Director: Emilie Josh (Calgary)

Emilie Josh is a by-product of both the Francophone and the French Immersion school systems, and is passionate about the continued use (and growth) of her French language as she ages. She is located in Calgary and likes to work long hours, spending her weekends in the mountains.

Director: Diana Boisvert (Grande Prairie)

Diana Boisvert is the French Language Resource Centre Director in Grande Prairie, CASLT National Council Alberta Representative and the Past-President of SLIC (Second Languages and Intercultural Council a specialist council of the ATA). She also directs the Grande Prairie DELF-DALF Exam Centre. Diana has a significant background in the FSL (Core French) classroom, as well as experience in the French Immersion classroom with and in successfully applying best practices in second language teaching and learning using current resources.

Director: Suzanne Kahler (Edmonton)

My name is Suzanne Kahler.  My mom was of French-Canadian descent, and my dad was Dutch, and so we did speak some French at home.  I grew up in the French immersion program, starting in preschool in Regina, and finishing with a French Immersion High School diploma, from Western Canada High in Calgary.  I work as a behaviour consultant with preschoolers with special needs, supporting the kids and their families in having inclusive lives, within their homes, communities, and schools.

I am married with 2 kids; the eldest has graduated with a French immersion high school diploma, and the youngest is in Grade 2, also in the French immersion program.  My hobbies used to include playing soccer and crafting, but now are watching my son play soccer, and crafting with my daughter! 

Director: David Wasylciw (Yellowknife – NWT)

Are you interested in serving on the CPF Alberta & NWT Branch Board? We are seeking candidates that reflect the diversity of our Canadian Parents for French members and our Canadian society. Please fill out this form and it will be submitted to the Branch’s current Nominations Committee for consideration. Candidates may be contacted to arrange an interview. Merci!

Board of Directors Roles

  • be the official spokesperson for Canadian Parents for French, Alberta & NWT Branch.
  • preside at and establish the agenda for all Annual and Special General Meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominations Committee.
  • maintain regular contact with board members and committee chairs.
  • present to the Annual General Meeting on behalf of the Board of Directors an annual report concerning the affairs of the organization.
  • keep the Vice President informed of all concerns and activities.
  • be responsible for coordinating regular evaluations of Executive Director.
  • serve as Branch Delegate at Annual and Special General Meetings of Canadian Parents for French (national association).
  • works closely with the President, keeping fully informed of Canadian Parents for French National and Alberta & NWT policies and programs.
  • chairs meetings and assumes other presidential duties in the absence of the President.
  • assumes any other tasks that may be assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors.
  • uphold the bylaws
  • ensure that resolutions passed by the membership are carried out
  • set policies which reflect the purpose of the organization and monitor activities to ensure compliance with those policies
  • seek the funds necessary to carry out the organization’s activities
  • monitor the expenditure of funds
  • ensure organizational continuity

Individual Directors also take on specific roles, such as Secretary, Treasurer or Committee Chair.


The Board can include up to nine members.

Board meetings are generally held 6 times between Annual General Meetings. Months and dates vary annually, depending on strategic plans, board members’ availability and budget limitations.

There are at least 3 face-to-face meetings (usually on a conference weekend) and 3 virtual meetings online each year (usually in the evening midweek). Meetings are scheduled as far in advance as possible.

Average time commitment for Board-related activities is 45 hours per year. Committee meetings are in addition to this, as required.

There is an information package and an orientation session for new Board members. The Board also undertakes an annual needs survey to determine what training is required, and specific training for the Directors is provided in conjunction with at least 3 Board meetings a year. There is also ongoing mentoring from the experienced Board members and support from the staff.

No remuneration is paid to any elected or appointed Director for services rendered to or on behalf of CPF Alberta. However, reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including meeting attendance) are paid in accordance with CPF Alberta policy.

Nominations Procedure

It is the responsibility of the CPF Alberta & NWT Nominations Committee to identify future board needs, gather and generate names of prospective Directors, research and screen prospective Directors, and to circulate a list of nominees to CPF Alberta & NWT members at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting.

To reach the current Nominations Committee email Michael Tryon our Executive Director : or  at 780-433-7311 ext 1.

In addition to nominations made by the Nominations Committee, and in lieu of nominations from the floor at the Annual General Meeting, members of Canadian Parents for French, Alberta & NWT Branch may put forward nominations for the Board of Directors as follows:

  • There are not already two board members from the nominee’s chapter whose terms will both continue for the coming year.
  • The nominee is a Voting Member.
  • The nominee is not excluded from sitting on the board by the bylaw regarding Term of Office for board members.
  • The nomination must be submitted by at least five Voting Members from at least two CPF chapters located in Alberta & NWT , and must include a letter from the nominee stating that s/he agrees to be nominated.
  • The nomination must identify the position for which the member is being nominated.
  • A member may not be nominated for more than one position in the same year.
  • The nomination must be received by the CPF Alberta & NWT  head office no later than July 31.

The Executive Director shall inform the Nominations Committee of any such nominations.

The Executive Director shall ensure that the names of such nominees are circulated to CPF Alberta & NWT members at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting.

To nominate an individual through the Additional Nominations Procedure (above), forward the required information to the CPF Alberta head office no later than July 31 by completing this FORM.

In writing  attn:

Canadian Parents for French Alberta

211 – 15120 – 104 Avenue NW,

Edmonton AB T5P 0R5

Fax 780-433-7306


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