CPF National Online Event- Family Kahoot Gameshow!

CPF National Parent Information Series: Technology to Help your FSL Learner from Home
Benefits of Language Learning, and Bilingualism
Parent Engagement, Success for Your Child’s Education
Addressing Charges of Social Class Elitism

Addressing Charges of Social Class Elitism

Parent Engagement, Success for Your Child’s Education
Helping Your Child Become Bilingual
As a committed parent you want to do all you can to support and encourage your child’s French as a second language learning. CPF is proud to share a wealth of information and tips that will help you and your children to get the most out of Canada’s world-renowned French as a second language education. Visitors are welcome to peruse a sampler of this brochure. Members, please sign in to view the full document.
CPF Guide - Helping-Your-Child-Become-Bilingual-SAMPLER
Fulfill Your RAISON D’ÊTRE with a Career Teaching French
The Great Canadian (Virtual) Roadtrip
Get to know the characters that shaped our nation and connect with our country’s history, culture, spirit of adventure and innovation. No need to pack your bags and load up the car for this road trip... you and your family can visit Canada from coast to coast to coast virtually and better yet, en français! Members, to view this content, please login.
Great Canadian Virtual Road Trip - 2020 Virtual Travel Guide