The Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) is a French-language campus of the University of Alberta that offers diverse university and college programs in French and it is now at risk due to funding cuts. The Government of Alberta has made significant budget cuts to Campus Saint-Jean and prohibited them from accessing reserve funds while proposing that funds not obtained from tuition or the Government of Alberta could be deducted from funding. If CSJ does not obtain adequate funding from the Alberta Grant Campus or federal emergency assistance, the institution will be forced to cut up to 44 % of its course offerings for the 2020-2021 school year.

So, what impact does this have on the French Second Language (FSL) community?

60-65% of students currently at Campus Saint-Jean are FSL students.  CSJ is currently the only post-secondary French language institution west of Manitoba. Should CSJ have to close its doors or severely limit registrations, it would mean that if a FSL student wishes to continue their education in French, then they would be forced to attend school east of Manitoba.

The second significant challenge to CSJ which impacts FSL students of all grades and in all corners of the province, is that Campus Saint-Jean is the main source of Alberta’s French speaking teachers and the only source of French-speaking education assistants. On average, there are 75 teachers who graduate every year from Campus, the majority of whom stay to teach in the province. If programs are cut, there will be an even greater shortage of qualified FSL teachers in the province, putting FSL programs at risk.

To show your support in keeping Campus Saint-Jean operating, please take the following actions:

  • Write to the Premier of Alberta and the Minister of Advanced Education.
  • Share this information on your social media.
  • Attend one of the two English town halls, taking place on May 20th at 7:00 pm and May 26 at noon.  Register at – the English sessions are at the bottom of the page.


To read the full press release by ACFA and to see the calls of action, please go to: (scroll down for English)

For more information, please contact Michael Tryon, Executive Director, at .